Frequent errors

  • Donations (Ko-Fi) - Payment canceled/Payment refused
  • STRIPE (credit cards) : Each payment is subject to strict verification with the relevant banks. For example, we check that the information entered on the payment details is identical to the information on the card. Even the slightest inconsistency can lead to the payment being refused.

    If you think the payment is legitimate, please contact us on Matrix or any other private platform. You can also retry your payment via Paypal.

    PAYPAL: Your payment has been refused by your bank or by Paypal. Check that you have the necessary amount on Paypal. If not, check that your Paypal is connected to your bank account and that it accepts the payment.

  • Matrix (Element)
    For Matrix (or Element) errors, please consult the list of error codes. This site is specific to Matrix-related error codes.
  • Mastodon
  • 400 - Bad request
    Appears when a required parameter is missing from the API call

    401 - Unauthorized
    This API requires an authenticated user.

    403 - Forbidden

    This action is not allowed. Appears when trying to call a method that you do not have permission for, or performing actions you are not allowed to do (such as following a user that blocks you)

    Your login is currently disabled. Appears when the OAuth token’s authorized user has had their account banned by a moderator.

    Your login is missing a confirmed e-mail address. Appears when the email address associated with the OAuth token’s authorized user’s account has not yet been confirmed.

    404 - Not found
    Record not found. Appears when an entity record does not exist, or the authorized user is not within the audience of a private entity.operates on a user.

    422 - Unprocessable entity

    {string}. May appear when entity creation failed.

    Duplicate record. Appears when you are trying to pin an account or status that is already pinned.

    This method requires an authenticated user. Appears when using an OAuth token without an authorized user (or no token at all), while trying to call an API method that requires a user to be processed.

    429 - Too many requests
    Appears when you have exceeded the rate limit

    503 - Remote service unavailable
    Our services are currently not available. Check the server status

  • Cocam'server Classics
    Cocam'server Classics support depends on the game. To contact our support team, please contact us